But it didn't matter at all as we were certain that the next few meals would make up by far for the poor one we just had. By the time that we had finished our breakfast it was already about noon, so the entire city except the resturants and the hospitals were shut down until 2:30 (for their lunch).

After a nap we set out to the second school (Istituto d'Arte Applicata e Design). My very first impression wasn't so great, they only occupied the second floor of a building that was a little run down on the inside, but to be fair the building was under restoration. The size was really the only putoff as I was thourghly impressed the rest of the time I was there. (I'll have to provide a somewhat detailed account of what the school looks like because I didn't take any pictures of it at all). The entire interior of the

school was painted white, floor to cealing and every bit of trim and piece of furniture was bright red, which I liked a lot. Next the receptionist spoke english and welcomed us warmly unlike the one at IED who spoke none at all although her school welcomed international students and

acted as if we were very rudely interupting her day with our presence. She (I can't remember her name) apologized that she was the only one there that day, as the school was still in the process of moving to a larger location just down the street. None the less she said that she could look at my portfolio if I like as she had herself just graduated from the school herself and had a sense of what the school was looking for in a student. I don't like to brag much but she was impressed, at one point she actually said, "mama mia!" She told me that she was sure that I would be accepted as soon as she had the chance to show my portfolio to the school director.
-=more to come=-
1 comment:
Hey there Joseph! Wow sounds like the school was mighty impressed by your work. Thats great! You have nothing to fear. I've seen some of your work and I must say im very impressed. Keep up the awesome work! bye for now. - Kara-
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