Friday, February 26, 2010


That frantic isolation

Drifting on the sea of the living room carpet

Piled high, your voice carries only

as far as the kitchen.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

------------ "Sorry, that was a cryptic melange of symbols. I was probing blindly into an otherness, treading a liminal boundary, erecting a vertical syllogism.
------------Excuse me if I forgot all the details ------------ what are they to me anyways, except replaceable?" ------------

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Speaking in Time

Rhythms laid down from the throne on a melody crushed when percussed

Look at me with gentle eyes and speak to me softly.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Eternity in a Minute

-------------------------------I think I spoke to you about my dream the other night, it was a steady flicker of pain that seemed to burn the whole night long. I was trapped it seemed in a movie I was watching my self act in where I had forgotten all my lines. I was mute and being asked to speak, and dancing a stuttering dance. Everyone expected me to keep the scene going and tried condescendingly to play along with my fright, the stage and its players would flick smoothly through various arrangements and I only froze more completely, and then the ground became frictionless and an exit impossible. -------------------------------

Monday, February 22, 2010

Melodious Chance

Avarice of fantasy, nightmares of thirst and hunger

Cowardly piping and stuttering dance

Song without melody, form without material

Material without form, Melodious Chance.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In the Air

Everything is evenly warmed, I am only atmosphere

I am a warm wind laying, on top of the bedspread

There is no need to sleep, I am completely at rest

Liminally extant, In the Air.

Monday, February 08, 2010

How do you sleep?

How do you prepare your bed?
How do you keep you sheets clean?
Why are your covers wound into a knot?
What do you keep underneath, is it a comfort is it a pain?
Do you dream? Do you count the hours you lie awake?

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