Tuesday, April 22, 2014

This does seem to be a process all human children go through as they become adults, that is putting your causa sui project on the shelf to accommodate the responsibilities attendant to adulthood. 

As to which is more natural, "to banish ones fears" or "to live on delegated powers" I'd say that the latter is more natural (to humans). Fear is man's best friend, it alone allows us to protect ourselves from danger, fear is a vital part of human life. Almost every person seeks to be delegated powers from those in authority which is the safest course and integrates the person smoothly into their society, but those who take power or create power for themselves de facto will find many enemies around to challenge their authority. Acting like Alexander the Great or Napoleon seems to be the natural expression of a highly developed ego which only seeks to continue to create itself, like the teleology that Friedrich Nietzsche uses in Thus Spake Zarathustra with his Superman, yet this approach is fundamentally antagonistic to general peace, well being, and happiness.

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